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January 22, 2010



I too would be interested to know what you mean by security envelopes - we may call them something else here in the UK. Also what size envelopes do you recommend?

Jane Kimball

Can you please tell me what kind of security envelopes you mean and what size? There seems to be a lot of envelopes described as security.

Looking forward to you answer and joining your class. Jane

Brooks Ann Miller

Ok, I am taking this as a sign...I have gotten several cool security envelopes in the mail lately and who would throw away perfectly good art supplies? So...I'm headed over to sign up for the class. Looks awesome!


Ohhhh this looks delish! I have been wanting to do one of your classes! This is the perfect opportunity. Can't wait.


I forgot you were going to start up another class! I haven't finished the fantasy book, yet, so it's a good thing this class will be open for a long time! Hope you be taking down the Fantasy class....I need it yet! I do like the idea of using the security envelopes. I have been saving them since you first mentioned them but I keep forgetting to open them carefully so they're all ripped.....of course I could use the box of un-used envelopes!!


I am looking forward to this class; I need to
push some boundaries. I love your journals; so
i know there will be a lot of inspiration!


This looks fun, Patty, can't wait...I do need a shove, lol!
I always love mail, now i can make better use
of it and recycle it into art!

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