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February 12, 2010



this is very sweet! I read an article in Country Living (I think) about sailors valentines.....and just saw an ad on the blog "the lettered cottage" about sailors valentines. This is just spectacular!

katie struckhoff

I just love this! Every little thing about it!!! I truly do!!!

Eileen@Star's Fault

PAtty ~ this is so very pretty, elegant in its simplicity. I love the shells and the sea glass touches. Thanks for sharing!

Blessings ~ Eileen @ Star's Fault

nelda ream

What a wonderful Valentine! Love it!


Just a wonderful piece!

Brooks Ann Miller

p.s. love the picture hanging to the left of the cabinet! Too cute!


Wow! this is stunning! I love the photo of a favorite childhood doll, is it a Muffy or Ginny doll, by chance? I still have the pieces of my Muffy doll, hope to figure out how to re-string it someday.

I love everything about your Sailor's Valentine!

Brooks Ann Miller

Your sailor's valentine is just wonderful! Thanks for sharing...and I hope your are feeling better.

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