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February 04, 2010


nelda ream

You have a lot more red in your house than we do. Right now all I can find that's red is some book spines on the shelf. Sometimes I get angry at myself for being so easily distracted, but it doesn't seem to help much.

Erica from ATL

Ha, ha! Sounds just like me! It's amazing, but I am most easily distracted when it is time to clean...hmmm...

Julie Loeschke

My own,that is.

Julie Loeschke

I blame menopause for this kind of behavior. ;)


I can see why you got sidetracked! Funny, what gets me cleaning is redoing my living room decor.
Just moving a few things, re decorating the coffee table, plump up the pillows and the creative juices get following. I know I'm backwards, but whatever works, right!

Love all the treasures you shared with us...worked in Japan. I hope you will share the work in Japan story with us, someday!


I avoid cleaning, but once I start I get the best ideas... but it takes courage to go on cleaning and not start working on the ideas right away. I always finish cleaning first. Maybe I am too neat. I should be more like you - stop the cleaning and do wonderful discoveries and blog about it! Have a wonderful weekend! (btw, I'm wearing a red spencer right now!)


Sometimes the best discoveries are made while trying to avoid cleaning...


and i am sure your heart is RED ;-)


you are lovely person.

please know that the exact same thing happens to me all the time, i get distracted with my own home treasures so very easy.

also, let me tell you, i did love mucho mucho mucho the tour of your journals, in fact, i am going to see it again and again, and i wish i could touch them in person.

again, you are a very big heart person.


maybe you didn't intend it to be BUT these were prompt for my day, and i discovered...i am so with you on the easily distracted mode AND the i barely have any red @ my place either...enjoy!

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