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March 29, 2010


Kim Palmer

I feel sooo much better about all of my stuff now! Whenever hubby points at my studio I'm going to direct him here, LOL!


Your stacks of storage are far too neat to be considered for A&E Hoarders! Are you actually laying the wood floor yourself? If so, that would make a good DIY video class. I'll be checking out your Etsy shop!


wow, that really looks great and like having a lot stuff - would you set any piece aside? i guess, i know your answer! have fun, enjoy and your blog is great and pretty inspirational


you are up to a really good go through.


You're not alone. :) I just cleaned out my kitchen. I keep acrylics and acrylic mediums in one of the cupboards below the sink. I have a metal cabinet and a pantry in there that were FILLED with art supplies. I spent the weekend cleaning and got rid of 12 bags of stuff. Feels good and I found "toys" that I had forgotten about.

You can't be an artist and not have some toys ;) lol


Boy can I relate. Love your fabric stash, I will keep an eye out for your etsy updates.
Hope the continued remodeling goes well.


girl, i'm with you on the piles & stacks & gatherings of valuable stuff...BUT, since i have experienced your class on wall calendar journals and also all the techniques & ideas i have learned from you thru your blog, i am turning my stuff into excellent gifts to share ... thank you again for the ideas & techniques & photos you share, what a huge difference they have made in my fearless creativity! ;)

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