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March 23, 2010


Dee Ann Head

You are so lucky to have such perfect weather - we're still dealing with snowy and cloudy weather up north - so it's very uplifting to see flowers blooming! I just love seeing pictures of your rock garden - it gives me so much inspiration to start one of my own. Your phlox are gorgeous and how neat that you were able to save them!


sun and flowers...good choice.


Oh wow...we don't have any color yet...the Dogwoods and Redbuds will bloom soon. Thanks for sharing. I love your altered books...I'm torn (no pun intended) between wanting to do that or paint in my journals. I love the page from your "secrets" journal and also the everyday Alice.


M-m-m yummy weather to you*, and kudos for rescuing those straggly dying plants. Look how happy they are now , and what a pleasure treasure for you.

* the studio will wait for a rainy day and you

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