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January 24, 2011



Looks like you found some treasures at the book store. Thanks for more info about Pogo...the video was great, thanks!


Where is that bookstore... aaarghhhh - too far away anyway! Ohmy.. I could wonder there for days!!! I do love poetry too (did you know my mom's a poet? But her books weren't translated to English, so you cannot find those... pity) I have difficulties reading English poems - a lot of strange words - but I don't like translations much. I did read Dylan Thomas in English though - and visited his "seashaken house / On a breakneck of rocks" in Wales. I notice I write quite a long comment - sorry - (but poetry started it, now that's an excuse isn't it?!)

Sharon Bennett

Thanx for this update about the PoGo. I have one but the prints are bad looking. Maybe I need to find my blue cardboard thingy. Thanx,


this printer looks awesome! do you love it???

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