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January 16, 2011



I have really enjoyed seeing your work and your life in your renovated homes and Gypsy caravan. People puzzle me... I honestly have no idea how people can lay claim to a technique or style. Especially when that is EXACTLY what they are selling when they offer an online class. I think people are just bitter that they can't make money off of absolutely everything/one that they can. People are funny, aren't they? Well, don't despair, keep your head up and keep doin what you're doin!

Toni Brown

um, nobody owns techniques ... nobody owns another's blog to the point of commandeering it and what gets posted ... tell you what, it was your blog where I first SAW any of the spray-painting of pages going on, so I kinda all along have thought you were one of the pioneers of that technique. Meanwhile, good idea, to have a UFO central location ... I think I've managed to get mine down to 2 -- but that could be delusional, especially if I've managed to hide the others so well I can't presently find them!


hey, are you house-hunting at all? or enjoying the gypsy wagon too much for that?


I don't feel so bad about my ufo's now. I was beating myself up this morning because of my unfinished projects but I have been working on others. My problem is that I always want to try something new.

Brian Kasstle

I love your UFO's!!! I too am on the look out for a vintage Rolodex file now to work on! Sooo cool!!!

Tell those other folks to f&^% off... about "copying their style"... your an original baby!!!

Sandra - Uniquely Myself

Hi Patty! These are so nice. Oh I must get busy - you have inspired me.


I love your projects and you have me on the lookout for one of those vintage Rolodex files...love what you have done with yours!



I've gotten those 'this is MY trademark style, you can't use it/show it/make it' kind of messages, too. Pffft! I just ignore them. If my hands and my paints are making the art then by gosh, it's MINE! Nuff said.

I love all of your UFO pieces. I have a few of them myself...and you're inspiring me to pull them out and keep them in view so I will work on them. All of them. Oh, and now I'm wanting a Scrap-o-Dex, too. lol

Peace & Love,


Some gorgeous ufo's here Patty! And an idea... for me, that is. I have a vintage/ancient photo album similar as the one you show (but without the dried rose/shadowglass.) It just lies on the attic... OHMY... I'm dying now to go search for it and start something beautiful! I also love the seize of the long and small book but yes, I can imagine it's hard to work in... good luck with the ufo's! Peeppeep...


People can be so silly at times that it can break your heart and drag you down. I'm happy that you picked yourself up again. Love seeing your ufos. :)

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