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June 09, 2011



I can't imagine someone emailing you and telling you your sketches are bad. Well, actually I CAN imagine it. I guess it takes all kinds. I'm new to your blog (linked here from ...somewhere???) but I've bookmarked and I'll be back. Keep sketching in the withDRAWal book...I for one appreciate it.


I think your sketches are lovely - so uninhibited. It inspires me! Keep on sharing!


Hi Patty...this is a great idea! Love your sketches!!!

bev langby

You know the person who asked that question is not a true artist just a wanna be or an art snob , dontcha hate those usually find them swanning around openings with a glass in their hand lol...



Hey Patty, what are those paints you are using? Love this idea, by the way, as an exercise for loosening up.

Brooks Ann

I hope who ever was so rudely critical of your work doesn't get stuck in a heavy downpour in a crowd...Please count me as a fan of your work, practice sketches or whatever you do. I enjoy seeing what others are doing.


Have really enjoyed watching the evolving scrapodex project and now the cleverly self-named withDRAWal sketchbook posts. I get a cool 50's-60's graphic vibe from your ladies.

Eryl Shields

I can't believe someone could be so rude! I thought the whole point of sketching was practise. I, for one, am utterly enamoured of your sketches.


sing it sister...i thank you for sharing, i enjoy every bit of your journey! :)


Jeez, everybody's an art critic, huh? And it's not like you called it a Good Sketchbook. I love seeing rough sketches, so keep posting them, please.

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