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June 10, 2011


Karenann Young

I'm so glad you said what you did about the sketchbook being a place to have fun, explore, loosen up, etc. I really need that!!!! Can't wait to start mine. In fact, unless we have a fire or earthwake, I'll make sure I do something in it today! Also helps that I only paid a dollar for the book. In the store, sketch books can be expense so not wanting to waste money, I rarely use them. Now I know at a dollar a piece, I can do anything!!! Thanks so much for your great ideas and thoughts!


*rolls eyes*
My warm up sketches look like those of a five year old. They are not meant to be "finished" pieces. Play, doodle, experiment, better than not creating when not in the mood to work on a long project.

Thanks for posting these!!!!


I love these (and the one in the previous post) - I love how loose and fun they are!


I love how free you are with your sketches. What a great book! I love that is the "withDRAWal" sketchbook. Very cool. Is this from a library sale?
BTW, I just signed up for your wall calendar journal class. It looks great!

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