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June 07, 2011


Teri Latimer

Thank you for sharing your wonderful talent. I love your withdrawal book! I came home from a wonderful vacation full of fun ideas for an art journal and slowly started overthinking until the inspiration was gone. :( I so needed to read your comments to get me going again! Thank you!


Love the name "withDRAWal"!

Karenann Young

I went out to the Dollar store yesterday and got a book called "Lost and Found". Even the edges of the pages are deckled! I'm going try out a sketch book like yours! I don't have any markers that don't smell, but I'll figure out something that works for me. Thanks for sharing!!!


I love this...the whole book just makes me smile!

Karenann Young

What a good idea with your sketchbook. I'm going to have to get to the Dollar store and pick up a book. I know they have books there and I might be able to use them. Right now I'm working on my visual journal. Neat that outlet right now.


I like the name too! Very much. And the pages/drawings. Very 'loose'. Awesome!

Brooks Ann

I love the way you think! What a cool idea for a sketchbook. Also like the sketches you've done. I learn something new from you almost every time I read your blog.

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