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August 13, 2011


Rini Boer

You have there a beautiful collection .
I love also the glass in that beautiful color Lila .
Love from ♥RINI♥

Julie Loeschke

My first was a baculite. A girl always remembers her first fossil! :)

Sharon W

love your collections....especially the sea glass. Here in Rhode Island the sailors of old called sea glass "mermaids' tears". Isn't that a perfect label for them???

Bobbie Lynn Duran

Amazing collection you have. Happy reading. I did enjoy the "Girl with the pearl earring". May have to go to my local bookstore and check this new book out. : )

Olivia King

I have a big heavy glass jar with my collection of fossils in it - I love these pieces of ancient time! Your collection is very beautiful! I am putting the book on my list - thanks!

Christina Carnoy

That was such an interesting book. And your photos are really cool!


I really enjoyed Girl With A Pearl Earring, so I'll be sure to read this one too.
The little scallop shell fossil is wonderful. I have some packed away somewhere. Once we get moved, I'll get them out and put them someplace I can enjoy them. Love your table top full of goodies.

julie macneil

just lovely! thanks so much for sharing!


I knew you were a 'stone collector' but it's great to see (part of?) your collection. WOWZAH, love the 'complicated one'!

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