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January 18, 2012



Sensational vignettes. They make me want to dive in and go to work!

Brian Kasstle

Oh I am not for plastic bins either! There has to be some style to it. Thank you for the photos and the inspiration. My mom used to have a metal tin with old buttons in it. When I was little I used to love to pour out the buttons and go through them all and look at their vintage wonder. I think that was part of my artistic start.


OHHH, those shells in the tall, glass (?) bin/pot/vase... sooo gorgeous! I will have my own studio this year (the space is there now, just not the time to re-arrange the house right now) and I have no idea yet how it all will work for me... but I know I don't like plastic and I too have old bins to store buttons etc. I'm drooling over yours now!

Brooks Ann

I thought I was looking at my studio! We have the same shells, buttons, jars, cigar boxes, etc. How crazy is that? I love to see where other people work and how they make their spaces work for them. Loved peeking into your world...

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