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February 23, 2012



How odd that most people cannot look beyond bad paint color. We have snatched up some great deals by doing just that.

Olivia King

I love that's its Mermaid Cottage - that is perfect. However, I agree with you - the murals were too much. I love your color scheme - I think it will be a very pretty little Mermaid Cottage!


Land ho!! I love it!

Toni Brown

what a great color palette, PVD! I love it when you share your home makeovers' things, little pieces of YOU.


OMG!!! I would so love to live in a house like this!! I love the outrageous, bold and excentrically different house. I'm sad that the murals are gone but I hope you took lots of picutres. I'd love to see more.
Enjoy living in your Spanish Galleon house. We all have to make our houses our own.

Brian Kasstle

The only constant in life is change, and if it isn't your dead.

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