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May 09, 2012


Brian Kasstle

I know exactly what you mean. I always have another journal in the wings waiting to be worked on. I have this one I have exactly 8 spreads to finish and I am on to the next one. I know the feeling of being "done" with it. I love your colors here, a little darker, than what I see you usually work in. I love the stencil work. LOVE, love, love it. Have a great creative Mother's day weekend.


Your post made me smile~I so understand how you're feeling! I guess that's why I have so many projects going at the same time. When I put one aside, I get a better perspective when I come back to it. I like what you've shown. It may be a good thing to have works that you HATE-I'm not sure what purpose it serves, but somehow it helps when something really DOES work-well...it's hard to write coherently about it, but it all is in there, so best to get it out. You are brave to show works you don't especially like!

Toni Brown

I see a very very obvious sort of parallelism on the pages -- the bloom on one side, the planting/composting on the other (since you love to garden, that seemed a proper analogy). the air side and the undertone, the earth side. Do you feel like something is gestating in you? when my journals piss me off, when I hate the book I'm in (such as presently), I've noticed the pattern is that the NEXT one just sings!!!!


Why don't you take the colour that elicits that HATE most for you and just spray t over the rest of the pages - get it done and out of your system in one fell swoop, breath out, let it go and move on to your next brighter and better and more loved creation - just an idea?

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