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August 24, 2012


Glory Mooberry

Oh - lovely - I think they are screaming for taps - think what fun you could have with them then! Bet you couldn't keep your feet still!


OK~THAT'S what an artist is-you create-but you KNOW what is good, and you can see it in your head before it's done-or overdone-not that we don't make mistakes sometimes-but you definitely have the right idea for the shoes.
Yes-please show the whole outfit when it's done!


Ok, you're gonna have to post pics of you modeling the entire outfit so that we can appreciate the whole look. The greens are perfect. I used to wear men's shoes a lot when I was younger, mostly clodhopper black ones when I was in my dark phase. Now I wear nothing but Skechers Shape-ups - the only thing my poor feet are happy in.


so cool!

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