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October 02, 2012



Why didn't I think of that... ;)
I, too, don't want to dress in the morning. I usually slip into a 'house suit' (comfy velvet) and run around barefeet (or in winter: thick socks) all day... I love to see/hear I'm not the only one who likes that!

Toni Brown

oh heck yea ... WAAAAHHHH!!!! I want my sewing machine back now!!!!!!!! (I have a stack of 70s sheets from my canopy bed when I was a little 'un -- these jammies would be the perfect use!)

Bobbie Duran

Those are adorable. Love the print too. A new way of looking at sheets.

Olivia King

What a lovely idea - in all respects! I used to have that pattern! I loved that skirt!

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