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November 15, 2012


Toni Brown

great admiration for how consistently, and how well, YOU put YOUR hand to everything ... your house looks so welcoming in the photos you share, and I just want to sit somewhere petting Ralph The Dog while you tell stories about things ...

hey, Patty, are you still journaling? or has sewing/jewelry creating taken your muse by the hair?


Oh very cool! Love that light, and the black paint of the little cabinet. I have some black in my home, and really love it. I can't wait to see the found outside stuff-I did that too a few years ago, and set them all in concrete. Found a huge old cow's tooth and lovely china shards-old metal-it all looks great together!


Have to say the light fixture isn't my style but I love the little cabinet in the dining room and your floor is gorgeous. Marvelous grain. Is it original to the house? Also like the granny cabinet. And the basket of found stuff looks great. I need to do something like that for all the odds and ends I've accumulated over the years that don't really fit any place particular.

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