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April 08, 2014



So sorry! What a beautiful orange cat... Hugs from Italy for you.


I'm so sorry, Patty. The loss of a beloved cat is heart rending. My own dear one died a year ago and I miss him terribly but am so thankful for the joy he gave us while he lived, as I'm sure you treasure the memories of Max.

Ruth in Seattle

I'm so sorry. What a handsome fellow! Take care and know we're thinking of you.

gayle ortiz

What a handsome and dignified guy he was! And he had so many skills, I can't get over it! Those orange boys really know how to do it, don't they? I just love orange kitties.

Thank you for sharing his memory with us, we'll be thinking of you all today.


So sorry. Max was a very handsome help mate ...


Ah, Patty, I'm sorry. He was a handsome cat - I like his striped tail. So hard to clean up their toys and food bowls for the last time. I hate losing an animal.

Vicki in Michigan

I'm so sorry. Even when they have had long and good lives, it is still so hard when they must go on without us.

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