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April 03, 2014


Sharon W.

good luck with the DJ program! I tried it some years ago, and gave up in bored despair after producing three or four blocks.....A year ago I deconsructed them and made wee pincushions (2-3"). Then I went on a search for orphan blocks in my world and turned THEM into small pc's. Now I have a huge basket of varied pc's which actually represents a history of my quilting adventures: class samples, orphan blocks, embroidery samples, and even a couple of those fabrics pieces I use to start chain stitching. Making them is a great way to pass creative down time: trimming, stuffing, hand-stitching are lovely meditative activities. And the basket of little pc's is a magnet for visitors. When I started I planned to give them away (perhaps swaps for retreats?) but they have become too much a history of my quilting adventures.

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