Did James Dean drink tea?
Today, I have come to a realization that I can no longer do it all and have to focus. That being said, I knew I was having less time for book, paper and journal arts. My days of spray paint and graffiti may also be coming to a close.
So I am having a massive sale of all my vintage paper collections. I took the entire contents of my studio paper and divided it into three medium flat rate boxes and have them for sale on etsy.
I have not sorted through the paper as it would be too tempting to pull out sweet little bits. In these destash lots are vintage ledger pages, wallpaper, and all kinds of ephemera. It is my entire paper lot from decades of collecting. I am trying not to think about it too much as I hate to see it go, but go it must.
click here for more details
I had just one last book to finish and it is this fantasy collage book that I had been working on for awhile. I had plans for it to have a few more pages but that was scraped (pun) so it could become a finished book.
"Having Tea with James Dean"
My favorite type of collage book. I love taking random images and mashing them all together to tell some kind of fantasy story.
Making collage story books is something I have made since I was very young. My grandmother used to make me "scrapbooks" when I would cry to her that I was bored. She made up the best stories to go along with her collage books.
My guess is Earl Grey.
the end.