We Have Always Lived in The Castle by Shirley Jackson
A cherished classic that I am re-reading. I have long lost count of how many times I have read this book.
Once upon a time, I used to post regularly of books that I was reading. And then I stopped for an assortment of reasons, mostly difficulty getting my side bar reading section to update. And since fooling around and figuring it out would take away from reading time, I lost interest in it.
I have received so many emails from readers saying they missed the random posts of my "currently reading" that I felt like I should try it again. I will make a category on the side to link to these "currently reading" posts and maybe that will be easier for me to keep updated.
As entertainment continues to decline, I no longer can tolerate any TV what so ever. I won't even start on that rant. My time is spent making things and reading and to me that is pretty much ideal.
So if you have anything you have read and care to share, please feel free to post it in the comment section.
I am providing kindle links for the most part as that is the only way I read now. I can read more and longer with a kindle plus it is clean. Not saying my local library is dirty (yes, I am saying it, it's nasty) but I can no longer check out books there. The next closest library I was auditioning for reading material was significantly damaged in a freak storm last week. So I am back with kindle again, especially since the prices appear to have dropped on some books and I received the lovely Amazon kindle credit from some settlement with publishers.
Every one needs a good "to read" collection. There is something very cozy and hopeful about a well stocked bookcase even if it is a digital one.