It took clearing the patio and the help of a few well places fossils from my fossil garden to help with the layering of this quilt top. And a couple of bricks. It's a big one, measuring 98" by 118. My plans are to quilt it on my domestic machine...
The top is made from Kasuri kimono fabric that I collected piece by piece while living in Japan. I love the small fabric pieces so much but never knew just what to make with them. To me they are so precious, I was uneasy using them. I knew I didn't want to cut them and then I realized all I had to do was trim them a bit so they all were the same width and just sew them together. Silly how I was overthinking it trying to figure out how to use the fabric.
When I was living in Japan, there was a kimono shop just outside my train stop and small remants were placed in a basket outside for sale. Every week, I would pick through and buy a couple. My favorites are the colorful ikats and I loved the indigo blues. Actually I loved it all and by the time I came back to the States, I had acquired a large collection.
So here's to using the good stuff.
I am still working on the Central Park art quilt and will post finished pictures soon.